Alphabet Boys Revelations: How the FBI Infiltrated and Undermined Black Lives Matter

For years, it was alleged that state infiltrators had a hand in undermining the BLM movement. However, there was little irrefutable evidence—until now.

Brutal Police Murder of Tyre Nichols Sparks Outrage in Memphis and Beyond

Protests began in Memphis on Friday, following the release of video showing the brutal police beating of 29-year-old FedEx worker Tyre Nichols. To fight police violence, fight capitalism!

Two Years Since the George Floyd Uprising: Lessons from the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest

Two years ago this month, the murder of George Floyd sparked a nationwide uprising. In Seattle, one way this movement expressed itself was through the creation of the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.”

Executed for Sleeping While Black: Justice for Amir Locke!

One more innocent Black man has been killed by Minneapolis police—yet another reminder that this institution of racist oppression cannot be reformed.

Rittenhouse Acquitted: Another Racist Killer Walks Free

Far-right, white supremacist wannabe cop Kyle Rittenhouse killed two people in Kenosha during a BLM protest last year. Today, he has been found not guilty on all counts.

Marxism and the Right-Wing Frenzy Over “Critical Race Theory”

The “Critical Race Theory” debate sweeping cable networks is a calculated response to the largest mass movement in US history. Where do Marxists stand?

One Year Ago the Murder of George Floyd Sparked a Historic Uprising

One year ago, George Floyd was brutally murdered by racist police. His tragic death would ignite the largest mass movement in the history of the US.

Revolution Is Our Future

Last year’s Black Lives Matter uprising was a point of inflection in US history. There is no question that the US is on the road to a decisive revolution, and this is the perspective the […]

Chauvin Convicted for George Floyd’s Murder—But There Can Be No Real Justice in a Racist System!

Only a truly massive movement and the conscious power of the working class can win even an ounce of justice for George Floyd and the billions of other victims of this system.

[Video] The George Floyd Uprising and the Struggle against Police Terror

In this video from our November 2020 Marxist school, Minneapolis organizer Erika Roedl provides a Marxist balance sheet of the BLM movement and the way forward in the fight against racism and police terror.

Breonna Taylor: There Can Be No Justice for the Majority Under Capitalism!

The Breonna Taylor case shows that we can have no illusions in the capitalist judicial system. Only the organized working class has the power to put an end to the never-ending string of racist murders […]

NBA Players Launch a Political Strike: What’s Organized Labor Waiting for?

In the aftermath of the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, a number of NBA teams staged a wildcat political strike in protest of the racist police terror that has convulsed the country in […]