What Happened in Bolivia on June 26?

The country with the highest number of military coups in history suffered yet another one last week. This chaotic and short-lived episode has deepened the crisis in Bolivia.

Coup in Niger Reflects Tectonic Shifts in Africa

The detention of Niger’s president, Mohamed Bazoum, on July 26, followed by the announcement of military rule, has provoked an immediate escalation in tensions across the region.

Peru: Massive March on Lima and National Strike Puts Dina Boluarte against the Ropes

The mass movement against the coup in Peru has reached that point that the ruling class fears across the globe: repression no longer works to cow the masses.

Peru: Mass Movement of Workers and Peasants Defy Capitalist Coup despite Brutal Repression

One month after the coup against president Castillo on December 7, the new illegitimate government of Dina Boluarte has used brutal police and army repression to put down protests, leaving 45 dead.

Against the Coup-Plotting Right Wing in Brazil: For Unity, Mobilization, and Class Independence!

The January 8 invasion of the National Congress, the Planalto Palace, and the Supreme Court by Bolsonarista groups must be firmly repudiated and fought by the labor, popular, and student movements. 

Peru: Usurper Boluarte Declares State of Emergency to Crush December 15 National Strike

Mobilizations opposing the coup against President Pedro Castillo in Peru have put the government of the usurper Dina Boluarte on the ropes.

Peru: Oligarchy Launches Coup against Pedro Castillo

The political crisis has accelerated in Peru. President Castillo decreed the closing down of Congress, but was swiftly arrested by police. Congress then proclaimed his vice president as the new president.

Peru: An Urgent Call for Mobilization in the Streets to Stop the Right Wing

The Peruvian oligarchy has removed Castillo, despite his promises to maintain the bourgeois constitutional regime. Peruvians must demonstrate that true power comes from the fist of the working class and poor peasants.

Burkina Faso Military Stage Coup to Avert Revolution

The Burkinabé masses must rely on their revolutionary traditions to fight against the rule of the army officers.

Washington Ups the Stakes in Ongoing Attempt to Overthrow Venezuelan Government

The ongoing attempt by Washington and the reactionary Venezuelan opposition to remove President Maduro will reach a key stage today.

Venezuela: Coup in Progress, Guaidó Proclaims Himself President

A coup is underway in Venezuela, promoted by imperialism and its lackeys of the Lima cartel; and executed by its puppets in the opposition.

Washington Moves Towards Outright "Regime Change" in Venezuela

A US-backed imperialist coup attempt is underway in Venezuela after Maduro’s swearing in to the presidency.