The Civil War in the Republican Party

With just weeks left in his term, Trump crossed a line by fanning the flames of the riot at the Capitol. Profound divisions have surfaced within the Republican Party in the weeks that have followed.

Biden Inaugurated as Democrats Take Charge for the Capitalists

Biden has been sworn in before an empty plaza patrolled by National Guards. Although the new administration will have a very different style than Trump’s, it remains a government of, by, and for big business.

Trump’s “Insurrection” and the Chaos of US Bourgeois Democracy

The scenes of Confederate flag–waving Proud Boys storming the US capitol—egged on by the president himself—mark a dramatic escalation of the crisis of the regime less than a week into 2021.

[Video] Election 2020 and the Fight for Socialist Revolution

What will the election results mean for the US working class? What should socialists do in the aftermath of Biden’s pyrrhic victory? John Peterson introduces this discussion at our post-election Marxist School.

Revolutionary Socialism and the Fight Against Wall Street’s President

Trump may have been beaten at the polls, but Trumpism and the system he and the Democrats defend are far from finished. Only socialism defeats Trump—and Trumpism!

Joe Biden: The Fossil Fuel President

Joe Biden presided with Obama over the largest oil boom in US history. His win is a victory for the energy sector capitalists, not for the climate.

Online Event Starts Today! After the 2020 Elections: Prepare for Revolution

Join our post-election online event today at 1PM ET! Hundreds of attendees have registered from across the country and around the world—don’t miss it!

Biden’s Win Is No Victory for the Working Class: We Need a Workers’ Party!

Joe Biden has won the 2020 presidential elections, to the delight of the establishment, and the relief of millions of ordinary Americans fed up with Donald Trump. But his presidency will not resolve any of […]

Break with the Democrats! A Resolution Presented to Phoenix DSA

We republish a resolution presented in the Phoenix DSA chapter. Written by Marxist members of DSA who support our ideas, it argues for a clean break from the Democrats and for independent class politics.

Electoral Chaos and the Crisis of American Bourgeois Democracy

Election night has come and gone without any clear results. Here we provide an analysis of where things stand one day into the post-election chaos.

US Elections 2020: The Dumpster Fire of American Bourgeois Democracy

American society is as polarized as it has ever been in living memory. But this much is clear already: the working class has no candidate in today’s election.

Tara Reade, Lesser Evilism, and Shifting the Blame

While paying lip service to women’s rights, the Democrats buried Joe Biden’s history of sexual abuse because of the “greater evil” of Trump and the Republicans.