Is Fascism on the Rise?

The chaos of American capitalism—from the 2024 election farce to brutal attacks by Zionist thugs and police on Palestine solidarity encampments—has many wondering whether fascism is on the rise.

Fascism on Film

Two films from 1970, The Conformist and The Garden of Delights, present a harrowing portrait of everyday life under fascism.

Canada: The Standing Ovation for a Nazi in Parliament Was Not Just a Mistake

Canada’s Parliament made the PR gaffe of the century by inviting a known Nazi collaborator into the House of Commons and giving him a standing ovation. However, this was more than a one-off mistake.

Fascists Attack IMT Comrades in Trieste, Italy

On Saturday September 16, comrades of the IMT in Italy were attacked by fascist thugs, who overturned the stall and physically assaulted three comrades.

The Spanish Civil War and the Crimes of Stalinism

The Spanish Civil War began this month in 1936 with the beginning of the coup by General Franco. The fascist forces could have been defeated, with the working class rising up and fighting back. But […]

Italy: Neo-Nazi Terror Cell Linked to Ukraine’s Azov Battalion

A police investigation has revealed links between a neo-Nazi terrorist cell plotting attacks in Italy and fascist groups in Ukraine, including the notorious Azov battalion.

Italy: October 16 Protest in Rome—A Massive Response to Fascist Provocation

Over 200,000 protested on the streets of Rome in response to a fascist attack on CGIL headquarters. Only class struggle can defeat fascism.

Operation Barbarossa: When the Nazis Invaded the Soviet Union

On June 22, 1941, the Nazis unleashed the largest invasion yet visited on the people of the Soviet Union. The Soviet people were responsible for the victory over Hitler, but the same credit does not […]

Fascism in America? Fight Racism with Socialism!

In the aftermath of Donald Trump’s election as President of the United States of America, cries of “fascism!” again fill the air.

The Menace of Fascism

For our October 2013 organizational-wide reading we republish here The Menace of Fascism by Ted Grant. Written after World War II, it analyzes the rise to power of Mussolini’s black shirts and the Nazis in […]

Lessons of Chile 1973

We publish here a document written in 1979 by Alan Woods analyzing the history of the Chilean labor movement, the period of the Popular Unity coalition government of Allende, and the brutal Pinochet coup.

Trotsky and the Struggle Against Fascism

A brief look at Trotsky’s tremendous contribution in the struggle against fascism.