Fascists Attack IMT Comrades in Trieste, Italy

On Saturday September 16 in Trieste, Italy, comrades of Sinistra Classe Rivoluzione, the IMT in Italy, who were holding a stall as part of the “Are you a communist? Then get organized!” campaign, were suddenly attacked by fascist thugs, who overturned the stall, physically assaulted the three comrades and then ran off. A few hours earlier, the national page of another fascist organization had posted a poster of our campaign.

Originally published in Italian at rivoluzione.red

This doesn’t surprise us. The role of fascists has always been to attack those who organize to defend the rights of workers, youth, women and migrants. This is even truer today, as they are the watchdogs of the reactionary policies of the Meloni government.

It is clear that even the fascists have noticed the success of the “Are you a communist” campaign. In less than a week, more than 15,000 posters and stickers have been put up all over Italy. Since the reopening of the high schools, students have found our posters and spoken to our comrades at more than 200 schools. Many have expressed their hatred towards capitalism and their desire to fight for a different society, and we are continually receiving requests to join.

The construction of a strong communist organization is necessary now more than ever, and this is precisely what the International Marxist Tendency is aiming to achieve and has set about doing, not just in Trieste but all over the world. That the fascists view the matter with concern can only make us more determined to continue along this road.

All our solidarity goes to the comrades who were attacked. We are appealing to everyone to participate in the anti-fascist protest that will be held on Thursday in Trieste.

Against the fascists!

Against capitalism!

Get organized with us!

Are you a communist?
Then apply to join your party!