Ireland after Dublin Riot: Crush Seed of Far Right before It Takes Root

Communists must confront and clear out this mob on the street, and deprive them of their false “anti-establishment” credentials by creating a real, revolutionary alternative that can express the volcanic anger in Irish society.

Fascists Attack IMT Comrades in Trieste, Italy

On Saturday September 16, comrades of the IMT in Italy were attacked by fascist thugs, who overturned the stall and physically assaulted three comrades.

IMT vs TPUSA: Help Fund the Forces of American Marxism!

TPUSA sent an “undercover agent” to “infiltrate” our public Marxist School. Despite the efforts of these billionaire-funded reactionary trolls, Marxism is on the rise. Donate now to fund the forces of revolutionary socialism in the […]

Italy: Neo-Nazi Terror Cell Linked to Ukraine’s Azov Battalion

A police investigation has revealed links between a neo-Nazi terrorist cell plotting attacks in Italy and fascist groups in Ukraine, including the notorious Azov battalion.

Kanye and the Culture War: How Do Marxists Fight Antisemitism?

Recently in LA, a fascist group dropped a banner over a freeway that read: “Kanye is right.” How can we explain the recent rise in antisemitism, and what should the response of Marxists be?

Racist Right-Wing Terror in Buffalo and the Decline of American Capitalism

Buffalo, NY saw scenes of horror as a white-supremacist terrorist opened fire at a supermarket, murdering ten people and injuring three more. This is an utter tragedy and an attack on the entire working class.

Canadian “Freedom Convoy”: A Warning to the Labor Movement

As the reactionary “Freedom Convoy” shows, the anti-establishment right can’t be fought with liberalism, only with a class-based left program.

Rittenhouse Acquitted: Another Racist Killer Walks Free

Far-right, white supremacist wannabe cop Kyle Rittenhouse killed two people in Kenosha during a BLM protest last year. Today, he has been found not guilty on all counts.

Trump’s “Insurrection” and the Chaos of US Bourgeois Democracy

The scenes of Confederate flag–waving Proud Boys storming the US capitol—egged on by the president himself—mark a dramatic escalation of the crisis of the regime less than a week into 2021.

Class Struggle in the USA: Reactionary Protests and the Strike Wave

A string of right-wing protests against enforced social distancing and stay-at-home policies across the country have received disproportionate media attention in recent weeks.

Socialism and Gun Control

Mass shootings are part of the terrible “new normality” of 21st century America. Liberals and conservatives can’t offer a solution to this problem—only socialist policies can eliminate the root causes of gun violence.

The Fight Against Fascist Individual Terrorism

If we are to effectively combat Trump and the small cohort of genuine fascists that orbit around him, we must analyze the situtation scientifically.