Iran Attacks: Netanyahu’s Dangerous Gamble

Following Iran’s attack, Biden is in the tenuous position of pledging firm support for Israel while also trying to prevent a new conflagration from exploding.

Middle East on the Brink: Imperialists Fan the Flames

The declared aim of Washington has consistently been “to prevent an extension of the conflict in Gaza.” But their latest actions have exposed this claim as entirely hollow.

Hands Off Yemen! Imperialists Protect Profits and Israel’s Right to Commit Genocide

The hands of the western imperialists are drenched with the blood of Palestinians. Now in Yemen, they have directly intervened, recklessly escalating the conflict in the region. We say: hands off Yemen!

75 Years Since the Nakba: Free Palestine! Intifada until Victory!

This weekend, protests will be taking place across the world to mark the 75th anniversary of the Nakba. We say: Intifada until victory! Fight for a Socialist Federation of the Middle East!

Israel: Netanyahu’s Judicial Reform Splits Establishment and Provokes Enormous Protests

Netanyahu is determined to force judicial reforms through Israel’s Knesset, enraging the majority of the big capitalists, who have taken the unusual step of backing the mobilization of enormous crowds on the streets.

The Sudanese Revolution Is in Danger

The Sudanese Revolution is at a critical crossroads. The liberals and so-called international community have shown they offer no solutions.

9/11 Twenty Years On

Twenty years ago, the United States witnessed the biggest and bloodiest attack on its soil in modern history. Today, US imperialism is in crisis.

What Lies Behind Israel’s Attempts to Sabotage a New Iran Nuclear Deal?

The explosion caused by Israeli forces in an Iranian uranium enrichment facility last month was aimed at sabotaging a new nuclear deal between Iran and US imperialism.

Lebanon’s Revolution: an Explosion of Class Anger

Last week’s explosion in Beirut has sparked an uprising, as the Lebanese masses take once again to the streets. We say: Workers of Lebanon, overthrow the whole rotten system!

Lebanon: Beirut Explosion Rocks Corrupt Regime

A massive explosion caused untold destruction and bloodshed in the Lebanese capital yesterday. This tragedy was a disaster waiting to happen, and will provoke the anger of the masses against the corrupt clique at the […]

Russian Oil and the Currency Crisis: the Capitalists Must Pay!

We publish a statement by the Marxist Tendency in Russia about the impending economic crisis resulting from Russia’s failed oil deal with Saudi Arabia.

Israel & Palestine: Trump’s “Deal of the Century”—the “Two-State Solution” Reduced to Absurdity

Trump’s deal for “peace” in Israel-Palestine is a list of humiliating terms for the Palestinians, giving full US backing to Israeli expansionism.