Radio, Science, Technique, and Society

In this speech, delivered at the First All-Union Congress of the Society of Friends of Radio, Trotsky again emphasizes the importance of studying dialectical materialism.

Dialectical Materialism and Science

Trotsky delivered the following speech to the Mendeleev Congress in his capacity as chairman of the technical and scientific board of industry of the Soviet Union.

September/October Featured Selection from “The Revolutionary Philosophy of Marxism”

For the next two months we will delve into Trotsky’s polemic writings from “In Defense of Marxism.”

In Defense of Marxism (Excerpts)

In Defense of Marxism, a collection of articles and letters written by Trotsky during a factional struggle in the US SWP, is a true treasure for revolutionary socialists.

July/August Featured Selection from “The Revolutionary Philosophy of Marxism”

The next two months we will discuss excerpts from the “German Ideology” and Marx’s writings on England and materialist philosophy.

England and Materialist Philosophy

This text provides a compact overview of the development of materialism, comparing its British and French variants, and connecting this with the rise of utopian socialism.

The German Ideology (Excerpts)

Historical materialism first saw the light of day in this work as dialectics and materialism are applied to the development of human society.

Dialectics of Nature (Excerpts)

The partial drafts and fragments that comprise Dialectics of Nature are an invaluable contribution to Marxism—and to science in general.

Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy

Written five years after Marx’s passing, this work was intended to arm the German working-class movement with the Marxist method.

The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism (Excerpt)

In this classic work, Lenin explains how Marxism represents a new, higher-level synthesis of the most profound thinking previously developed by humanity.

The Revolutionary Philosophy of Marxism—a Review

Mastering this philosophical method is an essential task for those who want to win the fight for socialism—this task has been made a little easier by the new anthology.

[Video] The Revolutionary Philosophy of Marxism: Book Launch with Alan Woods

Alan Woods, editor of In Defense of Marxism, launches the latest title by Marxist Books at the 2018 Northeast Marxist School in NYC.