How Marxists Are Formed

If we are to achieve the full-scale rebirth of Bolshevism on American soil, we must comprehend the full meaning of its founding watchword: “Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement.”

Lenin: 100 Years On

January 21, 2024, marks the centenary of the death of Vladimir Lenin. He was without doubt one of the greatest revolutionaries who ever lived.

Lenin Lives! Attend the Launch of Our International Campaign!

Sunday, January 21, marks 100 years since the death of history’s greatest revolutionary. Join the communists at the launch of a global campaign to commemorate Lenin’s life and works.

Are You a Communist? Editorial for IDOM 43

Issue 43 of In Defence of Marxism magazine focuses on the struggle for communism and provides a number of important lessons from the history of the Soviet Union and the failed German Revolution.

Has the Working Class Disappeared? Fact and Fiction

In this article Fred Weston examines whether the working class is in fact disappearing or has even disappeared as many so called “intellectuals” claim.

How My Professor Taught Marx: A First-Hand Experience with Academic “Marxism”

For the last century, academics have been attempting to distort Marx’s ideas. The task of genuine Marxists is to fight all petty-bourgeois distortions and to maintain the traditions of revolutionary Marxism.

The Communists Are Here!

As the pace of history accelerates, humanity is approaching a decisive crossroads, and we must have a sense of urgency. Fortunately, the communists are not merely coming—we are already here!

“The Eighteenth Brumaire”: A Masterpiece of Marxism

The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte remains not only a classic of Marxist theory but one of the greatest works of political analysis ever written.

Class Struggle and the State: Editorial for IDOM 42

The latest issue of In Defence of Marxism, the IMT’s theoretical journal, looks at the Marxist view of the state and the role of the individual in history.

Our Ideology and Theirs

What gives the revolutionary forces of Bolshevism order and strength is not merely discipline and commitment, but confidence in our guiding principles, the rightness of which is tested and confirmed by the experience of the […]

Women’s Oppression and Prostitution: A Marxist Perspective

Prostitution is one of the component parts of the oppression that women suffer in class societies. Until capitalism is overthrown, no choice will be truly free, and the oppression of women—in all its forms—will never […]

Marxism, Money, and Inflation

It is clear that we have entered a new chapter in the crisis of world capitalism, which the strategists of capital themselves are at a loss to explain.