Why I Joined the IMT: Communists Out in the Open in Arizona

Are you a communist ready to fulfill your role in the march of history? Then join hundreds of other communists just like you and get organized!

A Communist in the Military: Why I Joined the IMT

The military is inherently a bastion of class contradictions. This applies also to the military of the most powerful imperialist power on earth.

From Wide-Eyed Idealism to Revolutionary Optimism: Why I Joined the IMT

If we are to stand a chance in fighting homelessness, racism, imperialism, gender discrimination, and homophobia, we must build the revolutionary apparatus for us to do so: a mass workers’ party with a socialist program.

Why I Joined: The Superiority of Marxist Philosophy

Although I had always been impressed with the IMT’s theory, and especially its grasp of dialectical materialism, I fell into the trap of thinking activism was more important than theory. But life teaches, as Lenin […]

From Online Isolationism to the Class Struggle: Why I Joined the IMT

Like many young people, I was first radicalized and drawn into the online left. Then I met the IMT and traded online isolation for building the forces of organized Marxism in the real world.

Why I Joined The IMT: A Letter to the Youth of 2022

Since joining the IMT, I’ve begun to understand the world around me. With Marxism, I now have a clear way out of the crisis of capitalism: the path to socialism.

Stay Alive and Fight: Why I Joined the IMT

The next couple of decades are going to be a turning point in human history. Socialism in our lifetime is absolutely on the table—if we choose to stick around and fight for it.

From Chomsky to Marx: Why I Joined the IMT

Libertarian socialism is rooted in petty-bourgeois idealism and has nothing in common with a materialist understanding of the world and the working class.

“One Year Ago, the End of Bernie’s Campaign Pushed Me to Marxism”

The notes we received after Bernie dropped out of the race contained themes of class anger and a desire to become politically active.

Southern Poverty: Why I Joined the IMT

I grew up in an undocumented family in the South. We slept on the floor and our dining table was an upside down ramen box. I don’t share this for your tears, but for your […]

The Marxist Method: Why I Joined the IMT

An ongoing series on membership in the IMT, in which comrades explain what drove them to reject the capitalist system and embrace revolutionary socialism.

“Why can’t we all just get along?”: Why I Joined the IMT

An ongoing series on membership in the IMT, in which comrades explain what drove them to reject the capitalist system and embrace revolutionary socialism.