Racism and Capitalism in Cincinnati

The murder by a white police officer of an unarmed 19-year-old black man was the spark which ignited the accumulated tinder of racism and poverty in Cincinnati last week. In the biggest “race riots” since […]

Horror of Britain's Immigration Controls

The horrific deaths of 58 Chinese migrants found in Dover, revealed to the world the monstrous effects of Britain’s immigration regime. By making it virtually impossible for refugees and migrants to enter this country legally, […]

USA Today: police brutality and the electric chair

The state-sanctioned murder of Shaka Sankofa (a.k.a. Gary Graham) once again raised the issue of the death penalty in the public eye. Rob Sewell takes a look at the death penalty and police brutality in […]

Women Struggle
Marxism and the Emancipation of Women

This document outlines the first steps given by Marxism to fight for women’s rights, what the first successful revolution meant for the emancipation of women, conditions of women under capitalism, and poses the question of […]

Women in the Soviet Union

We reproduce here an article from 1988 which examines the position of women in the former USSR.