Socialism: the Only Solution for Iraq and the USA

The war in Iraq drags on and on, and the situation for working people here in the US continues to worsen, or at best stagnate. Working people and the youth are beginning to see through […]

A First Look at U.S. Election 2004: “Democracy” Rears Its Ugly Head

The U.S. Presidential Election of 2004 marks yet another turning point in the rapidly changing consciousness of the American working class.

Is NATO Using Depleted Uranium in Yugoslavia?

The use of high-tech weapons by the NATO alliance may have some serious, lasting environmental and health effects on the people of the Balkans.

The Emancipation of Women in Russia before and after the Russian Revolution – Part Two

On March 8, International Working Women’s Day, we published the first part of this article. The second part deals with the negative effects of the Stalinist degeneration of the soviet state and how this led […]

The Emancipation of Women in Russia before and after the Russian Revolution – Part One

To celebrate International Working Women’s Day we are publishing an article on women and the Russian Revolution. It shows how that single event did more for women than any other struggle that had come before […]

2004: Instability, Crisis, War, and Demagogy

Editorial for Socialist Appeal Issue 11

Bush Taking Aim at Social Security

Not content to wait until his inauguration, President George W. Bush and his administration have already launched an all-out offensive to “reform” the Social Security system. Bush, the Republican Party and their Wall Street cronies […]

Between Iraq and a Hard Place: An Occupation Gone Awry, and a “Job-Loss” Recovery at Home

An Occupation Gone Awry, and a “Job-Loss” Recovery at Home.

Power to the People!

The recent blackout on the East coast highlights the inability of the capitalist class to provide even the most basic services in the heart of imperialism.

No to Bush! No to the Democrats!

An editorial from the July/August 2003 issue of Socialist Appeal. For a real alternative for the working class!

US Perspectives 2003/2004

The Workers International League’s yearly overview of the state of the economy, perspectives for the cmoing months, and more. We encourage our readers to read and discuss this document, and above all, to join us […]

2002 – A Year of Betrayal by the Democrats

As we celebrate the holiday season and say goodbye to the year 2002, it is also a time when we look back on the preceding year and make our resolutions for the next. 2002 has […]