2022 Minneapolis Marxist School a Big Success!

The Minneapolis Marxist School was an electrifying success. The largest ever Midwest IMT school shows growing interest in Marxism!

Trader Joe’s Workers Rally in Minneapolis: Class-Struggle Unionism Is the Way Forward

Two Trader Joe’s stores are now organized, but there are many more to go! Only militant class-struggle unionism can truly win higher wages and better benefits and conditions.

Momentum Continues with #CommunismOnCampus Campaign!

All around the world students are enthusiastically engaging with the revolutionary ideas of Marxism! 2022 is shaping up to be the IMT’s biggest ever mobilization among students.

Phoenix Marxist School 2022: An Inspiring Start to Socialist Revolution’s Regional Event Series!

Socialist Revolution held its first-ever Phoenix Marxist School on the weekend of September 17–18. The 2022 event was a modest start to what will in the future become a point of attraction for revolutionaries across […]

#CommunismOnCampus: Who Has the Youth Has the Future!

The International Marxist Tendency is out in force as new academic terms begin all around the world. Find us with the hashtag #CommunismOnCampus.

“Billionaires, They Gotta Go!”: Labor Notes 2022 Conference

On the weekend of June 17–19, 4,000 labor activists converged in Chicago for Labor Notes 2022. Members of Socialist Revolution and Fightback who participated recount some important lessons from the event.

Over 7,300 Registered from 144 Countries for a Triumphant International Marxist University!

Revolutionary workers and youth flocked to the biggest Marxist school the IMT has ever hosted, listening to discussions of the highest political level.

Fightback Responds to Allegations: Lessons for the Movement

We reprint here a public statement by the Canadian section of the IMT. The US section of the IMT stands in solidarity with our sister section in the face of this recent political attack.

International Marxist University: 6,000 Registered with Three Days to Go!

The International Marxist University begins in just three days, with over 6,000 people signed up so far from an incredible 133 countries, all looking for the ideas needed to put an end to this decaying, […]

Ten Days until the International Marxist University Opens Its Doors!

Just over a week from now, on July 23, thousands of people from 127 countries (and rising) will come together to join the International Marxist University.

International Marxist University 2022: 3,000 Signed Up and One Month to Go!

With exactly one month to go, 3,000 people from no less than 110 countries have now registered for the International Marxist University. Register now!

International Marxist University 2022: 1,800 Registered in 100 countries!

The biggest international gathering of Marxists this year is fast approaching! We are proud to announce that over 1,800 people from an incredible 100 countries have now registered.