“One Year Ago, the End of Bernie’s Campaign Pushed Me to Marxism”

The notes we received after Bernie dropped out of the race contained themes of class anger and a desire to become politically active.

Bernie Sanders and the Lessons of the “Dirty Break”: Why Socialists Shouldn’t Run as Democrats

How did Sanders, who struck terror into the DNC leadership, end up reframing his candidacy as a stratagem to “realign” the Democratic Party?

[Video] A Revolutionary Appeal to Bernie Supporters

Bernie Sanders is out of the race. For millions, this will be the last straw. This will be the last time they try to work within the two-party system of the capitalists.

A Revolutionary Appeal to Bernie Supporters: Don’t Mourn, Organize!

Bernie Sanders’s loss may be a great blow to millions of Americans. But it is also a turning point, and it shows the urgent necessity to break from the two-party system.

Super Tuesday: The Ruling Class Unites Against Sanders

The outcome of Super Tuesday has been gleefully celebrated in the bourgeois media. They see Biden’s “comeback” as the best way to put an end to Bernie’s momentum, which is seen as a major threat […]

Sanders Wins Round Two in New Hampshire

Following the debacle in Iowa, the race for the 2020 Democratic Party’s presidential nomination focused on New Hampshire. Unsurprisingly, Sanders came out on top.

Chaos in Iowa: Support for Bernie Shows Potential for Socialist Ideas!

Yet again, the rotten nature of American capitalist democracy was exposed in Iowa. The world was treated to a trainwreck of unimaginable incompetence—or cynical sabotage.

Election 2020 and the Fight for a Socialist Future

There has never been greater potential for building the forces of revolutionary Marxism, for running independent socialist candidates, and for building a new mass socialist party.

“For a Revolution Against the Billionaire Class”—We Need an Independent Socialist Campaign!

Sanders is running in the Democratic Party, one of the two major big business political parties, to be their candidate for president.

From Eclecticism to Bolshevism: Why I Joined The IMT

An ongoing series on membership in the IMT, in which comrades explain what drove them to reject the capitalist system and embrace revolutionary socialism.

My Path to Socialist Revolution

An ongoing series on membership in the IMT, in which comrades explain what drove them to reject the capitalist system and embrace revolutionary socialism.

Against “Average Socialism”—The Struggle for Clear Ideas

Socialism is on the minds of millions of Americans for the first time. Inevitably, many have different ideas of what “socialism” means.