What Can Communists Do to Free Palestine?

Living in the US, it’s easy to feel powerless about the occupation of Gaza and the daily terror inflicted on Palestinians. But we have enormous potential power—as long as we can get organized.

[Leaflet] LGBTQ Rights Are Under Attack: Fight Back With Class Struggle!

Civil rights are under attack across the country, threatening LGBTQ rights and trans people’s right to even exist. What is behind these attacks and how can we effectively fight back?

[Leaflet] Fight Gun Violence! Fight for Socialism!

The Uvalde massacre marks a tipping point, transforming the shock and grief into outrage and a vow to put an end to the seemingly endless stream of mass shootings. Download our leaflet on this issue.

[Leaflet] Defend Abortion Rights With Class Struggle!

This is the text of a leaflet distributed by supporters of Socialist Revolution at women’s rights demonstrations throughout the country. Download the PDF of the four-page foldable leaflet here.

[Leaflet] Class Struggle on the Rise: Labor Must Go on the Offensive!

A wave of unionization is sweeping workplaces across the country. Download our leaflet to help us bring revolutionary ideas into the labor movement.

[Leaflet] No War in Ukraine: Peace Between Peoples! War Between Classes! The Main Enemy Is at Home!

Vladimir Putin has ordered an all-out invasion of Ukraine by the Russian military. Download our leaflet to help us spread the working-class, internationalist position against the war and imperialism.

[Leaflet] Fight and Win Against the Starbucks Bosses Through Class Struggle!

Join Socialist Revolution in support of unionizing Starbucks workers across the country! Download the PDF of our four-page foldable leaflet here.

[Leaflet] Solidarity with Palestine! Stop the Bombing of Gaza! Mass Working-Class Action Needed to Liberate Palestine!

This is the text of a leaflet distributed by supporters of Socialist Revolution at Palestine solidarity demonstrations throughout the country. Download now and help us spread the word!

[Leaflet] Happy May Day: Class Struggle Is the Way Forward!

We publish a leaflet distributed by supporters of Socialist Revolution at May Day rallies across the country. Download now and help us spread the word!

[Leaflet] Fight Evictions with Class Struggle!

We publish a leaflet distributed by supporters of Socialist Revolution throughout the country, putting forward a class-struggle program against the housing crisis. Download now and help us spread the word!

[Leaflet] To Fight Anti-Asian Racism, Fight Capitalism!

We publish a leaflet distributed by supporters of Socialist Revolution at #StopAsianHate protests throughout the country. Download now and help us spread the word!

[Leaflet] Stop the Attacks on USPS: No to Privatization!

The following leaflet was written by members of Socialist Revolution in the postal union National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC).