NATO Staring Defeat in the Face in Ukraine

As the year comes to a close, the complete failure of the much-hyped Ukrainian counteroffensive has opened a chorus of mutual recriminations within Ukraine and between Kiev and its imperialist puppet masters.

The Waning Sham “Neutrality” of the Irish Ruling Class

Ireland’s right-wing coalition government of Varadkar and Martin has decided that now is the time to test the water on ditching so-called Irish “neutrality.”

NATO Summit: Zelensky Comes Knocking, the Door Stays Shut

If you peek into the goings on behind the scenes at the NATO summit, you get a glimpse of the actual divisions, rifts. and challenges facing the imperialist organization.

Russia: Putin Declares Partial Mobilization

Russia made a series of important announcements regarding the war in Ukraine including a partial mobilization affecting 300,000 people and a warning that Russia will use “all means at its disposal” to protect its territorial […]

NATO Summit: China in the Crosshairs

For the first time, the new NATO Strategic Concept document describes China as a “systemic challenge.” This is an official recognition of the relative decline of US imperialism.

Western Imperialism Turns to Pessimism in Ukraine

After over 100 days, there is no end in sight to the war in Ukraine. The earlier gung ho statements of the West have turned into more pessimistic appraisals.

NATO Lies Exposed: Former Agent Speaks Out!

Jacques Baud, a former high-ranking Swiss intelligence and NATO official, blows sky high all the lying western propaganda surrounding the war in Ukraine.

Q&A on the War in Ukraine: Cutting Through the Lies of the US Ruling Class

Some questions and answers for class-conscious workers and youth on the war in Ukraine, to cut through the fog of war and pro–Western imperialist propaganda.

No War But the Class War!

Marxists must be clear on the fundamental class dynamics of the war. Behind the lofty lies and rhetoric lurk the class interests of the capitalists. Editorial for issue 32 of Socialist Revolution.

Zelensky Government Uses Invasion to Justify Political Repression in Ukraine

Zelensky’s government continues to cynically use the invasion to justify repressing political opponents in Ukraine.

Theses About the Ukraine War from the Marxist Tendency, Ukraine

Brief theses produced by supporters of the IMT in Ukraine discussing the origins of the ongoing war and the reactionary effect it has had on the country.

How Western Imperialism Prepared the Ground for the Conflict in Ukraine

Despite how the Ukraine war is portrayed, Russia is not the only aggressor. Far from being a neutral party, the West have been provoking the conflict for their own imperialist reasons.