Ohio Voters Defeat Reaction in the Abortion Referendum

On November 7, over two million Ohioans voted “yes” on measure one, forcing the state to protect abortion rights. This was a defensive measure by the workers to protect their class interests, despite the Democrats.

Abortion Rights and the Struggle For Socialism

Fifty years ago, the US Supreme Court passed its famous Roe v. Wade ruling, providing abortion rights to women in America. Today, these same rights are being ripped up. The fight to end women’s oppression […]

Roe v. Wade Overturned: Prepare for Battle!

The striking down of Roe v. Wade is a symptom of the senile decay of US capitalism. The Supreme Court’s decision is a stark wake-up call for all workers.

[Audio] Abortion Rights Under Attack: Fight Back With Class Struggle!

In this podcast episode, Laura Brown and Joel Bergman discuss the reasons and impact of a repeal of Roe v. Wade and provide a Marxist perspective to fight back against this egregious attack on abortion […]

[Leaflet] Defend Abortion Rights With Class Struggle!

This is the text of a leaflet distributed by supporters of Socialist Revolution at women’s rights demonstrations throughout the country. Download the PDF of the four-page foldable leaflet here.

Supreme Court Assaults Abortion Rights: Fight Back With Class Struggle!

News of the Supreme Court’s majority position on Roe v. Wade is a stark wake up call for all workers. An injury to one is an injury to all!

Criminalization of Abortion Declared Unconstitutional in Mexico

The struggle in the streets made it impossible for women’s rights to be ignored any longer. Without it, decriminalization never would have happened.

Fight Texas’s Abortion Ban with Class Struggle!

Texas’s latest abortion ban shows that capitalism can only guarantee worsening oppression to women workers. The entire working class has a vested interest in fighting back!

Fight Back the Attack on Abortion Rights!

The fight to defend the right for women to free and accessible abortion is a working-class question, and it requires a working-class solution.

The Class Roots of the Movement to Criminalize Abortion

The ongoing assault on abortion rights is the result of deliberate, long-term ideological groundwork, combined with political organization—all to advance the interests of the capitalist class.

How to Fight Alabama’s Reactionary Abortion Law

A wave of outrage has swept the country as millions are disgusted by this barbaric attack on women.

Can Abortion Rights be Entrusted to the Supreme Court?

The US Supreme Court voted to strike down a Texas law aimed at restricting access to abortion facilities. Similar laws were rejected in Mississippi, Wisconsin, and Alabama.