Starbucks Workers Serve up Shot of Strike Action in Fight for Union Rights

After being hit with a wave of retaliatory firings of union organizers across the US in recent months, Starbucks workers have responded in kind with a string of walkouts and strikes.

Lessons of the Chilean Constitutional Referendum Defeat: The October Process Is Not Over, the Fight Continues!

The most committed Chilean workers are beginning to awaken from the democratic illusions fostered by the ruling class, and in the heat of this frustrated experience, they will return to their fighting spirit.

Puerto Rico flag protest
Puerto Rico: Protest against Privatized Electrical Company Met with Police Brutality

On August 25, Old San Juan was engulfed in tear gas as riot police once again brutally suppressed a protest opposite the Governor’s Palace.

Puerto Rico: Brutalidad policial en protesta contra compañía eléctrica privatizadora LUMA

El 25 de agosto, el Viejo San Juan quedó sumido en gas lacrimógeno cuando unidades antidisturbios de la policía de Puerto Rico volvieron a reprimir brutalmente una manifestación frente al palacio del gobernador.

Venezuelan Gold Heist: British Imperialism Turns to Piracy

The High Court in London ruled that the Bank of England can withhold over $1 billion worth of gold reserves from the democratically-elected government of Venezuela. This is a plain and simple act of piracy.

Ecuador: Lessons from the June 2022 National Strike

The great national strike in Ecuador ended after 18 days of struggle. It is important to discuss the lessons of June 2022 to prepare for new rebellions in Ecuador and beyond.

Petro Achieves a Historic Victory in Colombia: Now Fight for Socialism!

Gustavo Petro and Francia Marquez have won the electoral contest in the Colombian presidential election against right-wing demagogue Rodolfo Hernandez.

Ecuador National Strike: Tens of Thousands March in Quito and Take Over Regional Government Buildings

Brutal police repression has not stopped the national strike in Ecuador. The ruling class is in a panic, and the movement is taking on an insurrectionary character.

Summit of the Americas Showcases Defiance of US Domination

The Summit of the Americas held in Los Angeles on June 6–10 was a compete disaster and showed the decreasing ability of the US to dominate its own backyard. 

Ecuador Rises Up Again: National Strike against Banker President Lasso

On June 13, a new national strike began in Ecuador. Demands include the freezing of the price of gasoline, price controls on basic foodstuffs, and opposition to privatization.

China vs. the United States in the Pacific: What Does It Mean for Humanity?

An important conflict is developing in the Pacific about who is to dominate this key region. In fact, the main pivot of US foreign policy is against the growing influence of China.

Mexican Marxists Discuss the Tasks of Revolution at Their 21st Congress!

On May 21 and 22, the Socialist Left (the Mexican section of the IMT) held their congress in Mexico City to discuss the tasks ahead for Mexico’s Marxists.