2002 – A Year of Betrayal by the Democrats

As we celebrate the holiday season and say goodbye to the year 2002, it is also a time when we look back on the preceding year and make our resolutions for the next. 2002 has […]

US Mid-Term Election 2002: The factors that led to the Republican victory

As the results of the mid-term elections come in – an apparent sweeping victory for President Bush's Republican Party – many questions must be answered.  How and why did this happen?  What will it mean […]

Bush’s Overtime Law – Defend the Right to an Eight Hour Day

Although Bush's new overtime law has been rejected by both houses of Congress, this fundamental right is in grave danger. This and all other hard-fought gains of the labor movement are under attack. Workers can […]

The Bush Agenda: Tax Cuts, Privatization & War

A look at what Bush's "mandate" will mean for the workers of the U.S. and the world. From issue number 15 of Socialist Appeal. By David May.

Bush Taking Aim at Social Security

Not content to wait until his inauguration, President George W. Bush and his administration have already launched an all-out offensive to “reform” the Social Security system. Bush, the Republican Party and their Wall Street cronies […]

TOPOFF3 – An Exercise in Terrorizing Americans

New London, Connecticut is a small historic city, but on April fourth it will be seen globally as the location of the next Mock Terror Attack. For an entire week in April of 2005, a […]

G.W. Bush
The Bush Tax Cuts & Class Division in America

Coming into office with a budget surplus in the trillions of dollars, the Bush Administration has successfully emptied the world’s largest coffers—and then some. All this in less than five years.

The Iraq Quagmire Deepens

Seemingly overnight, the mood of the American people has finally turned against the war in Iraq, and millions who were initially cowed by the bellicose triumphalism of Washington are now openly questioning it.

Health Care Woes

It is no secret that we live in an age where the average working person has two things constantly looming over them. Those two omnipresent worries are to maintain a steady paycheck and to maintain […]

The Death of a City

History has made it clear: the capitalist elite seems most happy while the masses suffer. Things that are detrimental to the lives of the working majority go to the financial benefit of the ruling few. […]

Bush's Education Agenda

With support from the Democratic leadership, Congress passed the Bush education plan, which will require public schools to administer basic skills tests in math and reading to students in grades 3 to 8 by the […]

The Death of a City

History has made it clear: the capitalist elite seems most happy while the masses suffer. Things that are detrimental to the lives of the working majority go to the financial benefit of the ruling few. […]