Sweeney Speaks Up About the Elections

No matter how many promises the current labor leadership makes, they are not interested in doing the only thing that can really improve the lives of working people – break with the two parties of […]

The New Orleans Disaster: the Real Face of “Capitalism of the 21st Century”

As disaster hits Texas, we republish our article on Katrina, which struck exactly 12 years ago.

War, Occupation, Torture, Apologies

On June 21, 2005, U.S. Senator Dick Durbin made a public apology for comments he had made earlier that month over the treatment of prisoners captured in the endless “war on terror” being carried out […]

The Fight for a Living Wage: For a Class-Independent Mass Party of Labor

In May of 2005, the common council of Syracuse, N.Y. passed a living wage ordinance, forcing companies doing business with the city to pay their workers at least $10.08 an hour, or $11.91 an hour […]

A First Look at U.S. Election 2004: “Democracy” Rears Its Ugly Head

The U.S. Presidential Election of 2004 marks yet another turning point in the rapidly changing consciousness of the American working class.

Between Iraq and a Hard Place: An Occupation Gone Awry, and a “Job-Loss” Recovery at Home

An Occupation Gone Awry, and a “Job-Loss” Recovery at Home.

US Perspectives 2003/2004

The Workers International League’s yearly overview of the state of the economy, perspectives for the cmoing months, and more. We encourage our readers to read and discuss this document, and above all, to join us […]

2002 – A Year of Betrayal by the Democrats

As we celebrate the holiday season and say goodbye to the year 2002, it is also a time when we look back on the preceding year and make our resolutions for the next. 2002 has […]

Homeland Security? What About Job Security?

As the Republicans celebrate their mid-term election victory, the drums of war are growing ever louder, and the bourgeois economists insist that a sustained recovery is just around the corner. We are told that the […]

US Imperialism and the War on Iraq

As preparations for war with Iraq continue, and prospects for the economy look bleak, John Peterson looks at the complete hypocrisy of the US government in relation to Iraq.

US Perspectives 2002

This document, originally written in April/May of 2002 appeared in the special July 4 edition of Socialist Appeal of that same year.

The Rising Dissent

The anti-globalization, anti-war, and labor movements need to unite under a working-class leadership to fight for a socialist solution to the problems facing working people in the US and internationally.