US Chamber of Commerce Building
How the Ruling Class Controls the Courts

As the labor movement gains momentum, the US Chamber of Commerce—the largest pro-business lobbying group in the country—is working hand-in-glove with the Supreme Court to undermine workers’ rights.

Oil workers Iran strike April 2023
Nationwide Industrial Strike in Iran: Revolutionary Youth Call for a General Strike!

A nationwide strike has broken out across Iran. Beginning April 21 at 18 workplaces, it has spread to over 100 firms across the mining, steel, and oil-gas sectors.

Found Photo US Manitowoc Extractor Kingwood Mining Company 1969
Letter from a Colorado Mining Industry Worker

While other industries can shutter a storefront overnight to stifle unionization efforts, mining corporations cannot do the same with a mining operation. Conditions are rotten-ripe for the expropriation of these crucial industries, which we cannot […]

Labor Struggle in the US: The Sleeping Giant Stirs

This episode of Socialist Revolution podcast features an interview between our comrade Tom Trottier and Joe Attard from our international headquarters in London about the exciting developments in the US labor movement.

Latvia Teachers' Strike Charles Edward Miller
All-Latvian Teachers’ Strike: Class Struggle On the Rise In the Baltics

We are beginning to see a change in the class struggle in the Baltic States, with a national, three-day strike by education workers in April. This is a sign of things to come.

Why the Longest Miners’ Strike in US History Ended in Defeat

The courageous struggle of the Warrior Met coal miners ended in defeat. It show that harnessing that vast power of the working class starts with an uncompromising class perspective.

Mega-Strike ver.di Germany
German Mega-Strike: A Turning Point for the Working Class

Germany was shaken by its largest strike in 30 years. This “mega-strike,” organized by two of the country’s biggest unions, brought the German transport system to a complete standstill.

France Union Demonstration Antoine Oury
The French Government Is Weak: Now Finish It Off!

The French government’s use of Article 49.3 of the constitution to force through Macron’s pension reforms without a parliamentary vote on March 16 marked a turning point in the development of the struggle.

Penn Medicine Station
Doctors in the Class Struggle: An Interview with a Marxist Physician

Socialist Revolution sat down with a Penn Medicine resident to discuss the union campaign at the workplace. As Marx put it, “the bourgeoisie has converted the physician into its paid wage laborer.”

Jan '23 pension protests France
National Strike against Macron’s Pension Sabotage in France: Over a Million on the Streets!

More than a million people were on the streets of France at over 200 rallies, as part of a national strike against President Emmanuel Macron’s latest attack on pensions.

NHS Strike UK
NHS Catastrophe in Britain: Support the Strikers! Kick Out the Profiteers!

The current crisis unfolding within Britain’s NHS is the result of years of austerity and privatization. But healthcare workers are fighting back!

The Battle over Pensions in France: Time to Get Rid of Macron!

The left and the trade union movement must throw all their forces into the preparation of continuous strikes aimed at the overthrow of the Macron government and the end of all austerity policies.