Palestine Solidarity Protests Escalate in Face of Campus Repression

Despite repression and slander, college campuses in the belly of the beast have become a central mobilization point for the Palestine protest movement, echoing the great upsurge of students and workers against the Vietnam War […]

The RCA Is Here for the Complete Overthrow of Capitalism

The Revolutionary Communists of America are a product of a new period of history. We are the emerging generation of fighters born out of the decline of 21st century American capitalism.

Bitcoin in a bubble.
Capitalism’s Crypto Chaos Returns

With uncertainty and instability rocking the real economy, gambling investors are once again piling into Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency tokens. Yes, Bitcoin is back!

Iran Attacks: Netanyahu’s Dangerous Gamble

Following Iran’s attack, Biden is in the tenuous position of pledging firm support for Israel while also trying to prevent a new conflagration from exploding.

Elections Rematch 2024: Donald Trump & Joe Biden
America’s Most Unwanted

This fall, millions of Americans will be asked to go to the polls to choose between two staunch defenders of capitalism committed to attacking the working class at home and abroad.

Why Divestment Can’t End the Genocidal Slaughter in Gaza

We can certainly sympathize with the healthy instinct to “do something” to undermine the Israeli state. However, divestment suffers from a fatal flaw: it accepts the limits of capitalism as a given.

Israel Murders Aid Workers in Gaza

The killing of seven aid workers in Gaza was cold-blooded murder—part of a deliberate strategy by the Zionists to starve Gaza by making it impossible for food aid agencies to continue their operations there.

Israeli passports
Israeli Communist Living Abroad Stripped of Citizenship for Refusing to Support Gaza Slaughter

After being arrested at a Palestine solidarity protest, a young Israeli communist living abroad was stripped of his Israeli citizenship.

Taioseach Leo Varadkar (Fine Gael)
Varadkar Flees Before the Storm Breaks in Ireland

The face of the capitalist political establishment in Ireland for the past seven years, Leo Varadkar, has resigned as leader of Fine Gael and from the Taoiseach position.

Revolutionaries Around the Globe Explain Why They’re Coming to the World School of Communism!

The global crisis of capitalism is pushing workers and young people in one country after another towards revolutionary communism! As a result, we’ve been receiving dozens of messages and requests to participate in the founding […]

Chief Crocodile Joe Biden and his tears.
Biden Sheds Crocodile Tears while Supporting Genocide

Crocodiles are known to shed tears as they consume their victims. Today, we have many crocodiles in human form, but “Genocide Joe” Biden stands out clearly as the Chief Crocodile.

Who Was Responsible for the Moscow Massacre?

Last Friday, the world was shocked and horrified by reports of an appalling massacre at a packed concert venue in Moscow.