DaimlerChrysler “Family” puts 13,000 of its “Children” up for Adoption

On February 14th, the DaimlerChrysler AG Corporation announced sweeping plant closings and job cuts for its U.S. operations which will go into effect in 2008 and 2009. The company announced the closing of the Newark, […]

To Support Labor is to Abolish Taft-Hartley

Following the Great Depression and the mighty rise of industrial unions in the U.S., the capitalist class made some concessions to the labor movement because they were worried an all-out revolutionary situation could erupt. These […]

A Minimum Wage Versus a Living Wage

A decade since the last increase, and after several Democrats used the issue to win votes while campaigning during the mid-term elections, the House of Representatives voted to raise the Federal minimum wage on January […]

Minneapolis Teamsters Strike
How to Win Strikes (By Harry DeBoer) 2006 Introduction

In the early 1930s Harry DeBoer began working in the coal yards in Minneapolis and became part of the initial organizing committee that led the famous Teamsters' truckers strike in 1934. DeBoer is credited with […]

tim k speaking
National Rank and File Meeting in St. Louis, MO

Workers in struggle from across the Midwest gathered in St. Louis, MO on weekend of November 4th and 5th to compare stories and discuss the way out of the dead-end road of the “labor-management partnership” […]

Detroit Teacher Strike 2006: Capitalism Condemns Children

Michigan’s Draconian labor laws make it illegal for public employees to strike. Teachers can be fined a day’s wages and their union fined $5,000 for each day they don’t work. This is the way the […]

Teamsters at the Crossroads

With its 1.4 million members, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters could well be America’s strongest union. This fall, Teamster members will be able to vote for either Jimmy Hoffa Jr., current president of the Teamsters, […]

Support SEIU Local 615 in Providence, RI

On October 11th, with a contract expiring at midnight on the 12th, SEIU local 615, which represents the food service workers at Brown University, held a solidarity march and rally in conjunction with the Brown […]

For a Mass Party of Labor!

This November, millions of American workers will go to the polls to exercise their democratic right to vote. But since in most cases this means selecting which of the two bosses' candidates will rule their […]

New Pension Laws Squeeze Workers

As wages for American workers continue to drop, the federal government has announced a new package of pension laws.  Under the new laws it is now legal for companies to convert plans called "Defined Benefit […]

The War at the Point of Production: The 'Killing Fields' of the United States

Today, workers are used as ‘cannon fodder’ both in the war in Iraq and in the war for profits at home. Workplaces have become perpetual ‘killing fields’. Roland Sheppard take a look at work place […]

US Perspectives 2006 – The Labor Movement

The pendulum of the class struggle, which has been swinging mercilessly against working people for the past twenty-five years, is starting to swing the other way, with the beginnings of a fight back by the […]